Decoding Teenage Slang : Parents Survival Manual

Teenage Slang

Decoding Teenage Slang : Parents Survival Manual 

 Understanding the Lingo

Lingo (noun)
the language and speech, especially the jargon, slang, or argot, of a particular field, group, or individual

Sometimes I feel like I am talking to an alien. Am I just a tad slow or stupid (which I know I am not!)?  When I chat to my teenagers or ask them to help me, I find myself in a state of perpetual confusion and it is a constant struggle to decipher the cryptic code of teenage slang they use. I can’t help but wonder if they’re intentionally trying to confuse me. Are they trying to get out of helping me? Or simply don’t want to or care to keep me in the loop? 

Teenage slang : Are they trying to trick us?

I might be overthinking things here, after all, they’re teenagers and sometimes – they just couldn’t be bothered and are plain lazy. This is especially true when I’m frantically busy preparing for my weekend markets and need help in packing boxes, loading the car and last-minute finishes. Maybe it is their tactic to spend more time arguing with me than actually helping me – by using words and phrases which only they can understand – are they being rude? have a legitimate excuse? or just wearing me down?

whispering girls Teenagers using slang is not a new phenomenon – when I was young I used slang and irritated my parents with words such as cool, rad, totally, gnarly, arbing, zeff and what-ever …   But I feel the use of slang is more prevalent today due to its rapid proliferation through social media, pop culture, streaming services, games and music.   I find connecting with my teenagers and bridging the generational gap quite difficult but crucial to me.  

Teenage slang : Manage with a reference guide

To help me navigate contemporary slang and to successfully manage my teenagers I created a quick reference guide for myself.  I am going to share this with you (in alphabetical order ).  Fear not – long gone are the days of feeling left behind and bamboozled by your kids! In this guide I break down the enigma of teenage lingo. From the “fire” to the “savage,” I unveil the meaning behind these slang words and phrases, making sure you’re always in the “know” when it comes to your teenager. 

Be warned –  some of the words they use are inappropriate, but I feel as parents we need to know! 


Teenage slang 101 : Crash course for parents | 45 must-know words

AF | ‘As F**k” – Used to emphasise a statement – eg if your teen says, “She’s cool AF,” it means she’s really cool or awesome.

Cap – “Cap” means something is totally not true or a lie.

Dead – When something is so funny that your teen says they’re “dead,” it means they’re laughing uncontrollably.

Dope – “Dope” is a term for something that is cool or awesome.

Teenage slang- Dope

Drip – “Drip” is similar to sway- use this to refer to a person’s sense of style, which is considered sexy or cool

Extra – If someone or something is “extra,” it means they are over-the-top or acting in an extreme manner.

Fit – “Fit” is short for “outfit.”  Teens might use it to compliment someone’s clothing.

Fire – “Fire” describes something that is hot, trendy, amazing, or on point. It’s like saying something is “straight fire.”

Flex – To “flex” means to show off, typically showing off one’s accomplishments or possessions.

Ghosted – “Ghosted” refers to ending a relationship abruptly by cutting off all communication.

GOAT “Greatest of All Time” If your teen refers to someone as the “GOAT,” they’re saying that person is the best at what they do.

Go Off – When someone says, “but go off, I guess,” it can be encouragement for someone to continue speaking, especially when they’re ranting about something.

Gucci – “Gucci” is used to describe something that is good, cool, or going well.

Hits Different – If something “hits different,” it means it’s much better than usual or has a unique impact.

IYKYK – “If You Know, You Know” “IYKYK” is used when referring to something that only a select group of people understand or appreciate.

Karen – “A Karen” is a disparaging term used to describe a petty, rude, middle-aged woman, often in the context of complaining to service industry workers.

Lit – When something is “lit,” it means it’s amazing, cool, or exciting.

Low-Key – “Low-key” is added to downplay a feeling or desire. For example, “I’m low-key freaking out” means the person is quietly anxious.

Mad – “Mad” is an intensifier referring to something being extreme, exceeding, very or unbelievably “He was driving mad slow |  It’s mad hot today |  He seems mad keen on her”

Mood – Teens might say “mood” to agree with or relate to something someone else has said.

Netflix & Chill -This phrase is used as a front for inviting someone over to make out (or maybe more).

No Cap : you are almost a GOAT 

OMG “Oh My Gosh” or “Oh My God” – “OMG” is an abbreviation for expressing surprise or shock.

No Cap – “No cap” means something is totally true or not a lie.

Rizz – Rizz is short for “charisma,” an ability to charm and woo a person.    Often used in conjunction with W-Rizz meaning very good Rizz.

Teenage slang- you got this Salty – “Salty” describes someone who is bitter, angry, or agitated.

Sic/Sick – “Sic” or “sick” is used to describe something that is cool or sweet.

Slay – To “slay” means to be extremely stylish or successful.

Sleep On – When someone says, “Don’t sleep on the new Ariana single,” they mean don’t underestimate or ignore its value.

Snatched -“Snatched” describes something that looks good, perfect, or fashionable, often the same as “on fleek.”

TBH – “To Be Honest” “TBH” is used when someone wants to be honest or straightforward about their feelings or opinions.

Tea – “Tea” refers to gossip, a situation, a story, or news.

Thirsty – “Thirsty” describes someone who is trying too hard to get attention.

Tripping – Used to describe someone who is acting crazy, thinking foolish thoughts or “hallucinating” or  high on recreational drugs.. Trippin’ out is “freaking out” or “being extremely high.”

Use Periodt : to win the discussion

Periodt – use “Periodt” to emphasise the end of a statement, similar to saying “end of discussion.”

Ship – To “ship” two people means to support or hope for them to become a couple, often based on their chemistry.

Shook – refer to someone that is incredibly shocked or shaken up.Teenage slang -LOL

Simp – A “simp” is someone who does too much for the person they like, often having a huge crush on them.

Spill the Tea – When someone asks you to “spill the tea,” they want you to share gossip or spill the details of a situation.

Squad A – “squad” is a group of friends who regularly hang out together, often used ironically.

Stan – A “stan” is an overzealous fan of a particular group or celebrity.

Sus – “Sus” abbreviates “suspicious” and signifies that something or someone is shady or untrustworthy.

Savage – A ‘’savage’’ is someone who is fearless, brutally honest, or cool in a daring way.

Throw Shade – To “throw shade” means to give someone a dirty look or criticize them indirectly.

Plug – A ‘’plug’’ is someone who can hook you up with something.

YOLO – “You Only Live Once” “YOLO” – use this ironically to justify taking risks or doing something out of the ordinary.


Knowing Teenage slang : is half the battle!

Dad with teen

Now you can decipher their secret code and once you’ve cracked it, you’ll be the ‘GOAT’ parent in town – no ‘salty’ misunderstandings here, just pure ‘lit’ communication. I hope this reference guide helps you understand what your teen is saying.  It has made my market preparation so much easier – no b…sing me anymore!

BUT – please don’t use them yourself, and especially not in front of your teen’s friends.  I was so proud of myself and chose the perfect time in the conversation to use a few here and there …. Their response was not pretty!    I will be back with an updated list soon – we need to stay on top of our teen education! 

Hang in there!

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